10 years ago No Comments

This word has so many meanings, but the main one we’re concerned about is this: an interior dividing wall. In construction documents, a designer or architect will need to designate “partition types” so that contractors know how to build out the space and so that inspectors know the space will comply with local building and fire codes. Masonry partitions mainly differ due to varying materials: cinder block, concrete block, brick, plaster. However, the most common partition types are made up of studs and drywall (AKA gypsum board). These partition types vary due to differing
1) sizes and spacing of studs (metal or wood),
2) types, sizes and layers of gypsum board, and
3) types and amounts of insulation.
They also differ due to height (up to finished ceiling versus up to the underside of the structure) and to the type of bracing methods to the structure.