Universal Design
10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced yoo-neh-VER-suhl dih-ZIN)

When many of us hear this term, we think of it primarily as design for those with physical disabilities, but it is actually much more comprehensive than that. In her philosophy behind the Universal Design Living Laboratory, Rosemarie Rosetti used the definition of universal design as given by Ronald Mace: “The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.” She went on to explain the Principles of Universal Design: Equitable use, Flexibility in use, Simple and intuitive use, Perceptible information, Tolerance for error, Low physical effort, and Size and space for approach and use. In other words, universal design is design to accommodate a universe of people: from children to the elderly, from the short to the tall, from the able-bodied to the physically and mentally challenged.

See also: Design For All, transgenerational design