10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced WAY-find-ing)

Wayfinding seems pretty self-explanatory – i.e., finding one’s way but there’s actually a little more to it than that. Wayfinding refers to the use of signage and navigational tools within a public environment, as well as the ability of a person to navigate within these environments, which can encompass everything from shopping complexes, hospitals and hotels to airports, college campuses and parking garages. Wayfinding has become a very researched subject, and many people within the industry specialize in it. Finding one’s way around a space has always been important, but the focus on it’s importance increased when the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was adopted. Wayfinding goes way beyond simple signage. The most successful wayfinding involves the collaboration of environmental graphic designers with interior designers and architects so that elements such as colors, textures, motifs, patterns, detailing, etc. aid in a person’s orientation within the space. More and more, electronic systems are being added into the mix, providing dynamic mapping graphics, visual cues and audio instructions.