Everywhere You Look
Thoughts 17 years ago No Comments


Well, my new hubby and I just got back from a marvelous honeymoon trip to Italy. Luckily, he loves to take pictures because I don’t. (Probably the result of having a photographer as a mother.) Everywhere we looked there was something fascinatingly everywhere.gifbeautiful to capture. I, of course, was drawn to the myriad of architectural details present as a result of thousands of years of civilization. Slightly different than Texas, you know…

After taking in our photos – a mere fraction of which are miniaturized below – I realized how many images we had that were examples of terms listed in P&C’s DESIGN SPEAK glossary: abacus, entablature, fluting, oculus, plinth (of course!), volute. And that’s just to name a few.

My point” I guess I have two: 1) If you haven’t checked out DESIGN SPEAK lately, take a peek. Whether reminded of terms you used to know or introduced to new ones, it’ll recharge the design side of your brain. 2) Open your eyes. It sounds simple, but we don’t do it. There is so much to look at in this world, and we tend to skim right over the good stuff.

Laura McDonald Stewart, ASID / IIDA
Interior Designer / Founder
