10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced chee) When you hear this word pronounced kigh (rhymes with high), it stands for the symbol "X" - the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. However, in our case, it comes from Chinese origins and is sometimes also written

10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced chi-air-oh-SKYUR-oh) This Italian noun composed of chiaro (meaning clear) and scuro (meaning obscure) describes the interplay, representation and gradation of light and shadow with in a two-dimensional media — i.e., drawing, painting, photography, film — to suggest three-dimensional

10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced shih-KAY-nuh-ree) At its most simple: trickery and deception, usually by out-foxing an opponent by illegal or underhanded means. It’s a fun word to say, but see that it’s not used to describe your actions. Example: Although he did not

10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced shi-feh-NIR) Chiffoniers have a dual personality. Not only can the word also be spelled as “cheffonier,” but two distinct types of furniture can be called a chiffonier. On one hand, the term can be used to refer to

10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced SHI-feh-rohb) Chiffonier + Wardrobe = Chifforobe. Even though this hybrid furniture concept of a chest of drawers combined with a wardrobe has been around for just at 100 years, it still seems like a pretty modern invention. If

10 years ago No Comments

(pronounced CHEYE-neez kee) See