What Makes Me Happy
My 2017 Project: What Makes Me Happy
Happiness 7 years ago No Comments

What Makes Me Happy

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a pretty happy person. Whether it’s due to my genes or my upbringing, it’s just part of who I am.

For three years I have had this idea bouncing around in my head to share with readers what makes me happy, and 2017 is the year I am finally going to do it.

What I’m Not Going To Do

I’m not going to going to tell anyone how to be happy or the “secret” to achieve happiness (as if there is one). I’m not a psychologist, a psychiatrist, therapist or counselor – just a realist with an optimistic bent.

What I AM Going To Do

Every week (that’s my goal, anyway), I want to share the little things in this world that bring me joy. It could be something edible, a concept, an object, a person, a place, or a production. In short, it could be anything.

Why Am I Doing This?

The best reasons I’ve come up with for why I am so compelled to do this are:

  • To provide a small counterpoint to the constant stream of negative news.
  • To encourage others to slow down and identify what makes THEM happy.

That’s it.

And now for my first installment…

>> What Makes Me Happy: CBS Sunday Morning