Letters to the Editor
Reactions 18 years ago No Comments


Keep those comments and suggestions coming. RANT & RAVE by emailing us at contact@plinthandchintz.com

Congratulations on the ever increasing success of Plinth & Chintz, which provides with a wonderful escape once a month from the current reality I am faced with. Wishing you and your team continued success.
Caroline Getter

Season’s greetings from
Denmark! – I read the traditions with interest. Just goes to show that although Denmark and Norway are quite close geographically – our traditions are miles apart (the Norwegian New Year’s tradition is a Danish Christmas tradition). In Denmark, we stand in a chair when the clock strikes 12, and on the last strike on the clock – you literally jump into the New Year. Wishing you all the best, and thank you for a great P’n’C in 2005 – may it continue in 2006.
Lise Lindberg Holmsen

I received the latest addition of the Plinth & Chintz newsletter, and can I can say "I love Plinth & Chintz!" I have already gotten emails from designers complimenting me on my achievements. You did such a wonderful job on my article. I can’t say thank you enough!
Alexis Brown, subject of December 2005’s STAR POWER

Thank you. I just read your announcement. I really admire your writing style. Thanks for making me sound so good. I appreciate it.
Lisa Reeves, winner of the CLUB CHiNTZ iPod Nano contest

Studying via distance learning, Plinth & Chintz is an invaluable resource.
Fiona Worboys, Rhodec student and contributor