Letters to the Editor
Reactions 15 years ago No Comments


Keep those comments and suggestions coming. RANT & RAVE by emailing us at contact@plinthandchintz.com.

I just wanted to drop a note to personally thank you for speaking to our class at TCU. It was so nice to get a fresh perspective from someone who, it seems like, has done it all! It was very encouraging to hear about the many different facets of interior design. It’s hard sometimes, as a senior, to look to the future and wonder where on earth I will find that niche where I fit and will enjoy what I do. But your story was inspiring and uplifting. I am passionate about design, and it’s so nice to meet other designers who have been in it and still love it! Everything you talked about got me so fired up about getting out into the working world.
Ali Zaiger, Interior Design Major – Texas Christian University

So happy to see you feature Dan Zongkers. I practiced in Omaha for about 14 years prior to moving to the Pacific NW. His company is outstanding, top notch, and professional. I can vouch for the impeccable quality and skills. Plus, they are so friendly, sincere and supportive of our industry. Thanks for recognizing them!

Faith Sheridan, ASID

I am so enjoying your e-letter. This issue was particularly FULL of cool stuff and it is like looking at a design magazine in its entirety online…great! You make a difference.
Sandy Leners

I love the funny ads you put up on your Website. Keep them coming. I showed someone the slapping one and they loved it!
Alexis Fermanis, Communications Manager – NCIDQ