Letters to the Editor
Reactions 15 years ago No Comments


Keep those comments and suggestions coming. RANT & RAVE by emailing us at contact@plinthandchintz.com

I just went and played on PLiNTH & CHiNTZ for a moment–what a great Website! What a fun resource for ID students and "newbies" in particular. Thank you again for thinking to post something on The Ugly Kitchen Contest on your fabulous site..
Erin Franco, Pennino and Partners

I don’t know if you had anything to do with it, but I was just contacted by Atlas Media Corp in NYC. They read and listened to the interview you did of me and thought it was fun. She wants my demo reel! Thank you Thank you Thank you! Thank you so much for everything you have done for me – you are fabulous!

Bethany Hubbard

I absolutely will be using your vocabulary words you post [in my Nation’s Next Top Model Home blog]. It is my favorite.
Susanne Walker

I am really enjoying reading Plinth and Chintz – from cover to cover. It’s great!
Hallie Radcliffe-Canalli, ASID