2007/06: Letters to the Editor
Reactions 17 years ago No Comments


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[Re: Response – The Renovation Of The Greenbrier] Let’s keep some context here. Mr. Varney is a very decent and fine fellow who is the only reason Mrs. Draper’s work has not been forgotten. Please everyone note the following: This property is owned by a Fortune 500 company that has shareholders. Mr. Varney is taking his direction from others. The reasons guest rooms / lounges / restaurants might look a certain way is not a result that Mr. Varney wants to change The Greenbrier in anyway. The changes are to appeal to Generation X – which has very little interest in mid-century decor / high style.

Cherie Blair

You guys at Plinth and Chintz do an awesome job! I read the newsletter religiously.
Nicole Ferrini, ASID / IIDA

Thanks for this wonderful tool of words [Design Speak].
Juanita P.

I subscribe to your great newsletter for Plinth & Chintz and very much enjoy reading each issue.
Cooper Smith, Cooper Smith Agency

I just found out about your site in the ASID ACCESS Spring 2007 issue. I wish I had known about you over a year ago when I first went back to school for interior design! You have everything a student and professional could possibly want.
Karen Neapolitan

You have created a great "place" [CLUB CHiNTZ online design forums] for us all–thank you!
Caryn Sobel