We’re Contagious
Thoughts 19 years ago No Comments


viruses.jpgApparently, we’ve gone “viral” – but not in the way that requires a trip to the doctor. This web biz term basically means that, without an advertising campaign, people are finding out about us via various routes on the World Wide Web.

I know that PLiNTH & CHiNTZ is spreading. (Now do you understand the reason for the use of the term viral“) I just checked our stats, and for the month of July we had 67,287 hits. If that wasn’t surprising enough, as of this writing (the 10:00 am hour C.S.T. of the morning of Wednesday, August 10, 2005), we already have 66,876 hits for the month of August. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m stunned… but, of course, THRILLED.

When I introduced PLiNTH & CHiNTZ almost a year ago, I was dreaming big. And I still am. We’re breaking new ground through the type, tone, and sources of our content. Although nothing is quite the same as flipping through a magazine that you hold in your hand, the online format will only grow. It’s always accessible, it’s flexible, updatable and correctable, and it’s easy on the environment. (Look mom, no trees!)

For these reasons, we are in the process of developing an auxiliary site that will launch in the autumn. All I will say at the moment is this: The primary goal is to provide a forum for like-minded people. It will afford everyone the opportunity to participate and interact, regardless of time and budget constraints. Think of it as democracy through technology.

Though nothing will ever replace the importance of face-to-face interaction between human beings, I think that this new site will first establish the contacts and foster the relationships that will then develop into those valuable personal connections. More to come.

Thank you for spreading the PLiNTH & CHiNTZ virus. We love being contagious!

Laura McDonald, IIDA / ASID
Interior Designer / Founder